京アニにできることはまだあるかい (Is there anything that KyoAni can do?)

京アニにできることはまだあるかい (Is there anything that KyoAni can do?)

July 18th, in 2019 has become an unforgettable day for the people who love Anime around the world.



京アニにできることはまだあるかい (Is there anything that we can do for KyoAni?)

京アニ放火事件の概要と影響 (The facts about Kyoto Animation arson attack and its impacts)

Free-Photos / Pixabay

Kyoto Animation, widely known as 京アニ(KyoAni), was set fire and 35 people were killed, according to the Police of Kyoto. You may have heard on the news from the BBC or even the CEO of Apple tweeted about the incident even if you have no interests in Anime.


”京都アニメーションは世界で最も才能のあるアニメーターや夢想家の本拠地です – 今日の壊滅的な攻撃は日本をはるかに超えて感じられる悲劇です。 京アニのアーティストは世界中にそして彼らの傑作と共に世代を超えて喜びを広めています。心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。 ”— Tim Cook (@tim_cook)


That is because though it is a relatively small company, but KyoAni has been known one of the most influential and world-class high-quality anime production company. It was also the most devastating massacre since the Showa era in Japan.

Many talented animators are dead. But only ten people’s name was revealed yesterday, considering the privacy of their families. Unfortunately, Yasuhiro Takemoto (武本康弘) was one of them, who is known as the director of many anime, such as the film, “The disappearing of Haruhi Suzumiya(涼宮ハルヒの消失),” “Lucky Star(らき☆すた),” Hyouka(氷菓), to name a few.





一京アニファンとしての思い (My thoughts as a fan of KyoAni)

I’m just one of a big fan of KyoAni for more than ten years. I still clearly remember that I watched “The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱) “for the first time in 2006. Back then, the keyframes of most of the Anime was not so bright compared to now. But the anime made by KyoAni was extraordinary high-quality that you would not be surprised that it would air soon.
Many people have gathered and danced to music on the street in Akihabara, in Tokyo at that time.

私も10年来の京アニの大ファンの一人です。 私は2006年に初めて「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」を見たことを今でも明確に覚えています。当時、ほとんどのアニメの作画は今に比べると、あまり質が良いとは言えませんでした。 しかし、京アニによって作られたアニメは、あなたがそれが今、もし放映されたとしても驚くことではないであろうほどに並外れた高品質でした。


Influenced by the anime, I also bought all published novels of “The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱) “series. Furthermore, I bought even some character song CDs when I was in high school.

I still cannot believe that Mr. Takemoto(武本監督) has gone and cannot watch anime directed by him anymore.

私もアニメの影響を受けて、「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」シリーズの小説をすべて購入しました。 また、高校生の時にキャラクターソングCDなども買っていました。




京アニの偉大さは、デジタル時代にもかかわらず、鉛筆と紙を使って一から描かれていることです。 また、その鮮明かつ正確な描写に大変定評があります。例えば、「けいおん」と「響け!ユーフォニアム」演奏シーンはCGを全く使用していませんが、驚くほど細やかです。


京アニへの支援について (About donation to KyoAni)

OpenClipart-Vectors / Pixabay

Reflecting the impact of the incident, many people have donated to KyoAni. More than 15億円 (about 15 millions of dollars) have donated by now, which is lovely but still not enough for fully recovered. I would be grateful if you could give some money to KyoAni from here, KyoAni official site.



However, a lot of talented animators, who have played essential roles in making splendid animes, will not come back anymore. Additionally, precious keyframes and documents were burnt down — damaged severely to the company itself. It takes about decades to fully recovered, allegedly. 

It is a tough road to recovery, but I would like to watch KyoAni’s works from now on and hope to support them in the form of purchasing works and related goods.




This time, I’ve tried to write both in Japanese and in English. I hope if you like it.

Thank you very much for reading the long post. Well then, see you in the next article.




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